A Mesmerising Experience Kedarkantha trek

Good-bye to KedarKantha Tracking:

Still Planning!

 You might be surprised to learn that many people, like me, have a dream but may not be bold enough to say it. I am one of those people. My dream is to go on a Himalayan expedition and climb Kedarkantha Peak in the Indian Himalayas. It’s my goal to undertake this trek because I’ve heard so much about how beautiful it is there, especially during the winter season when all of the snow-capped mountains come alive. So rather than sit around here and wait for things to happen on their own like so many other people do, I’m taking control of my own destiny and starting out from my hometown as a humble trekking guide, leading small groups of enthusiastic tourists on challenging treks like we did during our trip up to Kedarkanatha. Reaching Sankri—The Base Camp for the Kedarkantha Trek:  To embark on the Kedarkantha Trek, Team Himalayan High picked us up at DehraDun railway station, where a team member arranged for transport to take us to Sankri, the first camp of our trek. We reached Sankri in about 8 hours and were immediately welcomed with a warm drink as we stepped outside. The cold air felt very soothing to our bones, especially because it was winter! A few minutes after our arrival, we were escorted to cozy lounges, where we hung out until dinner time. Breakfast and dinner were provided at separate times so that we wouldn’t feel too stuffed or sleepy to walk during the trek itself! One of my favorite things about the hike was being able to see the sunset from this first spot because it was really stunning. At night, I really liked sitting in the lounge while someone played flute music on one side, providing a beautiful ambiance while simultaneously blocking out some snoring sounds coming from other people who stayed up late chatting. We were excited to set off on the second day of our Yatra trekking in the Himalayas! We had received important instructions about what not to do up in the mountains so that we didn’t hurt ourselves or anyone else. After a few hours of climbing, we saw tantalizing snow peaks and streams of water rippling through the slopes, offering us a glimpse into some of the most beautiful natural treasures on Earth. A few hours later, we reached our second campsite at Juda Ka Talab, where we were instructed to remain aware and watch for falling stones along the way. Despite feeling exhausted from the climb, I tried my best to keep moving forward—it was almost as if I’d suddenly become an adrenaline junkie and couldn’t get enough!

The Frightening and Thrilling Day of the Trek—Second Day of the Trek:

We started on our climb at dawn, after the team was well rested and the skies were still dark. The first part of the trek used snowshoes to gain a foothold and balance, but as we progressed up the mountain, we transitioned from snow to ice and then rock paths. When we reached the base camp, it was already warm in comparison to previous camps, and we unpackaged every item on our list. It was during this time that I could finally take a bath because I felt grimy after four days that melted into one another. The vistas of Kedarkantha Peak during sunrise were stunning, though not as stunning as seeing Vidya crossing over those two ridges or those other two guys traversing down a frozen waterfall half-way up the mountain. It seems like they are superhumans or something. We had to return before it got too hot up in the mountains, so an early descent with rope-assisted rappels ensued.

The Ultimate Day: A Journey Towards Summiting the Kedarkantha Peak

In the early hours of the morning, as if right out of a dream, I arose to a completely new world around me that was very much alive but had a peaceful feeling to it that was hard to explain. By the time I had finished my breakfast of oranges, my heart began to beat faster as I got ready for what was ahead. Not just in terms of completing this trek but also by having the opportunity to complete a feat that not many people get an opportunity to do in a lifetime. My spirit felt hungry for more than anything else, and once we had finished our long walk up towards the final peak, I quickly looked around at all of my fellow trek-mates and knew how deep their feelings were as well. But before I could take it all in fully, there was one thing I needed to say: “To rise up with the sun, you need to walk through the dark nights.” The summit at Kedarkantha Peak at 12800 ft. made us realize how amazing our bodies are and how they are capable of doing things we never thought possible! Returning from our tour was a fun and easy affair. We slid over 100 meters of snow and hot maggie, so appetites were satisfied as we headed back to Camp Sankri. I couldn’t help but wish, however, that we could have stayed on the summit itself, but with rain pouring down on us and a treacherous climb ahead of us, it was necessary to return down again. We celebrated at camp with music and small campfires, everyone telling stories and talking about their experiences—this was really the cherry on top of a very enjoyable trip! Good-bye to Kedar Kantha Tracking: Finally, it was time to say their goodbyes. People were so excited to trek back to Sankri. We had breakfast before, and everyone was getting sad. The mountain air took the team’s breath away, and they immediately began to reminisce about the great moments they shared together during their trek of a lifetime. While taking a rest at the campsite, everyone brainstormed plans for the hike’s last day, including what flavor of porridge they would want as well as planning special treats like barbeque platters and fruit punch! After that memorable night spent around a campfire, our team headed back in canoes to explore surrounding villages and share their story with a number of people who offered them wonderful hospitality on their journey. Author Bio:  Vaishali is a freelance travel writer. Who loves to travel solo. She has visited many places in India, and now she wants to share her story with the world. has been traveling and blogging around India since March 2018. She owns a travel blog that focuses on the weird and offbeat destinations in India. Vaishali enjoys traveling to new destinations and inspires readers to travel themselves. She is completely and utterly obsessed with historical architecture throughout India and strives to submerge herself in each culture along her journey. She provides current information about amazing destinations around India as well as her own personal commendation of locations.

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